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Here is what John-William Sidhom, MDE has to say about Hopkins: "Family: the word that comes to mind when I think about Johns Hopkins. I came to Johns Hopkins in 2011 as a Masterโ€™s student within the Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design. After being here now for almost a decade, Hopkins and Baltimore City have become a second home. Hopkins is a special place in that beyond the fact that everyone wants to see you succeed, you feel like you are truly appreciated for who you are and not just what you accomplish or produce. When I think about defining moments in my training that exemplify the Hopkins family, I cannot help but remember the day I defended my dissertation. Drs. Drew Pardoll (my thesis advisor) and Suzanne Topalian, two of the worldโ€™s pioneers in cancer immunotherapy, took time out of their incredibly busy schedules to take my family and childhood friends to The Bygone. By the end of the night, Dr. Pardoll knew all my friends and family by name and something interesting about each one of them. To see these giants of medicine, treat my friends and family as their own close friends, was one of the most moving and surreal moments of my time here at Hopkins. I am not sure how many places there are where you can form these kinds of relationships and friendships with your mentors." . . . #GoHopMed #JohnsHopkins #JohnsHopkinsMedicine #HopkinsMedicine #HopkinsMed #JohnsHopkinsMed #medschool #resident #residency #medicalresidency

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The Physician’s Garage (TPG)

Excited to be involved with this brain child of Vineet Tiruvadi (@vineettiruvadi) who has seen this opportunity to synthesize the worlds of engineering and clinical medicine in quite a unique way by trying to formalize clinical reasoning through the use of statistical inference. I believe thinking about clinical reasoning through this lens will be transformative for many reasons but particularly with the creation of artificially intelligent systems in medicine. Below, Vineet, Bilal Bari (@bari_bilal), and I discuss the basics of inference within a clinical framework. See more episodes here.

John-William Sidhom
John-William Sidhom
Hematology/Oncology Fellow

Aspiring Physician-Scientist & Oncologist.